* NEW *
Updated BPSU Rules
(approved on AGM 2024)
* Dedicated Sportsman Status *
(ONLY when you
need a new certificate for
a new licence or renewal applications)
Application Form
Application Criteria and Process

NB. It remains the applicant's responsibility to submit
a list of
at approved shoots.
This will be checked
against the official results
on the website.
To renew your DSS Certificate, you have to submit a
complete application again
(updated documents from original application)
Requirements for application / Accompanying documents:
- Application form with proper motivation (download form above)
- Proficiency (training) Certificate complying to Unit Standards for Handle and Use of a Rifle / Handgun / Shotgun / Muzzle Loader
(NOT ONLY Knowledge of the Firearms Act !)
- Competency Certificate - Muzzle Loader - COMPULSORY!
- Letter from primary club to confirm paid up status for current year
- Scores / Proof of attendance for past 12 months (you need 6 points to apply)
- Copy of Identity Document
- Copy of a valid firearm licence
- Proof of payment of R50 into the BPSU bank account
- Submit to Secretary of the BPSU for processing
Application for Endorsement from SABU
New licences only
Please note the Endorsement form needs to be
submitted to
SABU by the member directly
and NOT through the BPSU.
Remember to attach current owner's licence
gun shop's detail to your application.
* World Anti-Doping Agency *
South African Institute for Drug-free Sport Website
2024 List of Prohibited Substances
Check your Meds Online | More information
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